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Cameroon cup

2024 CAF Confed Cup: Fovu Club Books Rendez-vous

By Ngome Michael

Emmanuel Ndumbe Bosso needed just Four Months to fashion a firing cylinder in Mbappe Muller and Cyrile Ngando to break Fovu’s 13-year jinx without a cup title.

It took just 10 minutes for MOTM, Muller to cut through PWD defense, beating goalkeeper Ning Che and placed the ball into an empty net for 1-0.

With Ikpeme in midfield and Iliasu who joined from Young Sport Academy at the back, Yangoua’a game plann went through unhitched despite incursions from Constantine Bep’s and PWD of Bamenda.

At half-time, it stood at oneā€“nill but dressing room talks favored the leading camp despite the 2021 winners casting fresh legs in to frey. Ndiforchu Blaise and Awamukala attempted efforts on goal but caused little troubles to Junior Bandji.

Billy Samin who got a red card after the final whistle for verbal utterances to the referee, had a glorious header sent over the crossbar before Cyrile Ngando digged his set-piece pass Ning Che who was poorly positioned for 2-0.

Departures such as Etta Bawak, Leonel Ateba and Mohamed Moluh seems to leave a vaccums yet to be filled at PWD of Bamenda.

Fovu Club of Baham makes the 62nd Cameroon Cup, its third win in four finals, 2001, 2006 (lost) 2010 and 2023. The ride wasn’t an easy one passing through Astre, Canon, Victoria United and Colombe with 13 goals scored and 5conceded.

Ndumbe Bosso and Fovu Club will go on to represent Cameroon at the 2024 Confederations Cup. With last season’s fanilist, Bamboutos missed out for allegedly failing to pay players. A clear example to evade by the Violet and white.

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