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Astres Settle For Parity Against Bamboutos

2022 Cameroon Super Cup winners Bamboutos FC of Mbouda tied zero-all against Les Astres FC in a Delayed match day 8 fixture in group B.

Despite the attacking threat posed by these two sides, coach Tonye and Inna Ngassa couldn’t come up with a tactical master – class to topple the other.

Les Astres on the back of two wins incredibly came into the game with more momentum, though, Bamboutos approaches games in group B these days as heavyweights.

Heavily fancied, Bamboutos (unbeaten) have been going through some sort of rough patch, as they were looking to extend their 18-point win at the top.

The Mangwa Boys rued their missed chances in the game, but they take consolation from the fact that their closest rivals, Fauve Azur haven’t closed the gap.

Les Astres equally squandered chances. The both teams, however, deserved to head home with a point each. From the brink of despair, Les Astres have found their feet with 10 points from a possible 15 in group B.

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