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Elite One

Elite One: Fauve Azur Inflicts Second Successive Home Defeat On Gazelle

Fauve Azur Elite nicked a one-nil victory against Gazelle on the road, at the Roumde Adjia Annex on game day 16 of group B in the MTN Elite One championship.

It was the second successive home defeat for Elite One dark horse Gazelle who prior to the defeat, picked maximum points against Union Sportif of Douala and Fovu club of Baham on the road.

In a carbon copy of the last home defeat to Astres which came from a penalty converted by Julian Kamta, Fauve Azur equally got the lone goal of the encounter from the spot.

Defender, Joel Sandriel converted to blemish indomitable Lions goalkeeper Mbahbi Marcelin’s net at the 8th minute.

It started that way and went on to finish 1-0, with Fauve Azur winning with the odd goal.

Fauve Azur climbed to the 2nd spot behind leaders Bamboutos. They will face AS Fortuna next in yaounde on March 19, while Gazelle FA, who are 4th on the log with 22 points will stay at home to receive YAFOOT.

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