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Abba Oumaté Elected FECAHAND President

At the end of the Elective General Assembly held at the Mont Febe hotel in Yaoundé on December 29, 2022, Abba Oumaté took command over the Cameroonian handball federation after his brilliant victory over Emile Essombe, his competitor, whom he beat by a score of 58 votes against 21 to become the new FECAHAND president.

It was a fairly eventful election which saw the withdrawal of one of the candidate’s, Romaric Mboyap Tenawa. At the end of this ballot, the new elected president confessed his satisfaction.

“It’s a new day for Cameroonian Handball. Cameroonian Handball is experiencing serious problems today, our role is to reframe things and I think the task is enormous, we think with the grace of God that we will succeed in our ambition.

“The program we have put in place revolves around several pillars, namely training, sponsorship and the company-handball relationship, we are going to modernize these different points and I am sure that things will work for Cameroonian handball. On the format of local competitions, I think that we must organize competitions by zone and at the end of the zones, the best will meet with the objective that handball is played everywhere in Cameroon”.

To Oumate’ in his mission, an executive office was organized.

It constitutes of; Vice Presidents: Eke Bissono Marthe Virginievice, Nsoh Joseph, Tapet Lakoudji Mylot, Kafack Kenfack Serge, Abdourahman, Nzanda, Ava Labelle Epse Piim Clotilde, Di-Hilla Ngannagsou, Ibrahim Sali, Romaric Tenawa, Chambe Noumowe Lisette

The General Secretariat is headed by Paulin Youmsi accompanied by Ndam Ngoudikou Serge as Deputy Secretary General.
The Finance department will be headed by Tchonga Ngantchoue assisted by Ekongolo Dayas Ruth
Councilors: Ndjonga Pierre Paul Ongono Vincent, Laminou Mohamadou

And finally the mission managers are: Jos Bertin, Pouhe Junior, Marchand Céline, Kamto Nina, Dongmo Emerand and Aoudou Bobo.

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