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Dynamics of sports federations’ conference Cameroon: Day 1 records massive success

Over 300 persons from different works of life attended the 2024 conference on  dynamics of sports’ federations that kick-started at Djeuga Palace this May 9, 2024.

The programme, under the institutional sponsorship of the ministry of sports and physical education, was graced at the start by opening speeches by president of the Cameroon Olympic and sports committee, Hamad Kalkaba Malboum, and Minister of sports and physical education, Professor Narcisse Mouelle Kombi.

“This is a great initiative that will boost Individuals in the sports world,” kalkaba Malboum said, while adding that the  timing was special, given that Cameroon will host the 23rd edition of the African Athletic championship next month.

Minister Narcisse Mouelle opined in his speech the level which, the government, led by his Excellency president Paul Biya, holds sports with high esteem, citing  yearly subventions  given to all member federations without bias. To booster his point, professor Narcisse voiced that the Cameroon’s team participating in the 2024 Rugby women’s Africa cup is fully funded by the government.

Participants were drilled on day one by exciting speakers and important topics.

“So far, the conference has touched on vital issues vis-à-vis what we are living between the fédérations and the sports ministry,” Aloysius Awah, a participant and seasoned sports lawyer told

Professor Mathias Owona Nguini  started the programme with an edifying topic, tagged: ” sports federations and the State,” where he demystified all mysteries surrounding the minds of participants.

The day was ended by Professor Biboum Bikay François, and his talks on social protection within sports federations.

At the end of the day (4:51 pm), maître Nouyadam Jean Jacquues, president of the conference organizing committee, had an aura of satisfaction, with just a single day left in his knowledge impacting journey.

Activities will resume at Djeuga Palace on Friday May 10 with more speakers eager to share knowledge and understanding.

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